Henry Wolfe-Barry & Charlie Warhurst
Yesterday at 15:19
6h 8m
Saint George's to Ronde Island, Grenada
A last minute trip to Barbados for a delivery to Grenada. Once on the boat it was a chill downwind motor sail all the way across with some nice reaching round the back is Grenada.
Just x2 of us. Worst/hardest passage ever done 28hrs into headwind & 2m confused sea. Plus Squalls and 20kn average wind. Engine randomly cutting out. Large amount of water in the bilges
1 day 4 hours
Andy Parritt - Quite honestly the hardest/worst passage I’ve ever done. 28hrs just 2 of us, head winds 2m swell Squalls, engine randomly cutting out, emptied at least 25 buckets out of the bilges. Arrived in dark no marina, no dingy no windless. Not eaten or drank much because so violent below, boat soaking. Clients arrive at 0900 tomorrow morning, we still have to clear customs../ You could write a book about it!!
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1h 2m
Petit Saint Vincent Island, St Vincent and Grenadines to L’Appelle, Grenada
3 days 24 hours
Cactus Point, British Virgin Islands to Hermitage, Grenada