Woke up to foghorns in the Solent. In a strange way was quite relaxing. It also made a decision for me to- leave later rather than earlier. Had to time arrival back at Hamble at bottom of tide otherwise berthing down tide was going to be challenging as we are just about on springs. Lovely sail back. Will overnight to clean up boat.
3h 10m
Lepe to Hamble-le-Rice, United Kingdom
Departed Hamble at 1300ish with aim of going to Lymington. But little wind and foul tide necessitated a change in plan. Anchored in Beaulieu overnight. Very quiet evening. Only one in anchorage between posts 20 and 22. Woke up to mist. Made coffee and bacon rolls.
3h 46m
Hamble-le-Rice to Lepe, United Kingdom
A days sail on brand new boat - Hanse 360 Lovely boat. Sailed over to Cowes where we motorsailed into tide and anchored in Osboure Bay. Wind dropped to flat calm and crew had requested a bit of parking practise. Do up Anchor and motored across Bramble bank (where small breeze set in) but since we were almost home kept the iron topsail on and entered river. Berth was a closed berth so entered fairway bows in and transitioned at end to motor astern and enter berth. Each crew in turn then parked. Had one which due to pace being too slow the boat dinged the pontoon. But all managed it in end.
6h 47m
Hamble-le-Rice, United Kingdom