Peachtree City GA USA
From Yorkshire. Living in Atlanta 🇺🇸 🏴 🇬🇧
Total Distance
Time at Sea
105 Coastal Navigation
ASAMarine Radio Short Range
The RYARestricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit
US Federal Communications CommissionDuncan Harding & Heather Harding
31 August 2024 at 08:32
After an uneventful night on anchor (around 250ft from the beach next to the Mucky Duck Restaurant on Captiva Island FL), we rose to a wonderful sunrise and a pleasant 8kt offshore easterly that promised an easy sail north that morning towards Venice. Overnight, the Air Conditioning System had (presumably) drained its dedicated battery system, therefore we decided to start the engine in an effort to partially recharge the affected battery prior to going under sail in the coming hour or so after breakfast. At this point, David and Duncan were sat in the cockpit with Lupe in the forward cabin and Heather in the rear starboard quarter cabin. Both cabin doors were closed. 2 mins after starting and setting the engine to approx 1,000rpm (just above tick over) thick grey smoke had filled the Saloon and was noticed for the first time as it was now blowing out of the companionway up into the cockpit, with Heather now simultaneously shouting out loud, as the smoke had also started to get into the rear starboard cabin. Over the next 30 seconds, in near zero visibility conditions within the main cabin, the engine bay became engulfed with an open flamed fire; thankfully, everyone stayed calm while David extinguished the fire with a powder extinguisher. (Upon later review the fire appeared to emanate from the alternator*) We incurred zero injuries to the 4 people onboard. We gathered ourselves and took stock of the situation. Everyone, while somber, remained in good spirits. With no engine, limited instrumentation (a wiring harnesses in the engine bay appeared melted) and no windlass, we manually hauled out 110ft of chain rode and set sail in favorable 11-14kt conditions on a port tack back towards Ft Myers. After approx 4hrs, we summoned SeaTow who put us under tow just before the Sanibel bridge for the 2hr journey up the channel and lastly in close quarters, under a hip-tow back into our berth in Gulf Harbor Marina ! Upon reflection, we’re all feeling very lucky that we noticed the smoke and managed to act quickly as the fire took hold EXTREMELY fast! Learning Points / check list additions. 1. We will recommit to actively seek out the location and operational familiarity of all fire extinguishers when initially boarding an unfamiliar vessel. 2. We will always have COCKPIT access to a VHF radio handset / handheld when the engine is running (in addition to when underway) 3. PFD’s, if not being worn, will be stored in a cockpit locker. (they were in this case but we’ve also stored them in spare cabins in the past as well 😐) 4. Familiarize ourself with alternative cabin/ saloon exit routes should the companionway become blocked. (Eg. Ensure deck mounted dinghy is not blocking forward hatch for example) My cell phone died after around 3hrs so the journey log back to the Marina has not been captured on the chart. We will be back - but woah… don’t ever want to go through this again!
2h 21m
Captiva to Gulf Of Mexico, United States
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
30 August 2024 at 17:02
Near calm conditions for motoring to Captiva where we moored off the beach, with a pod of inquisitive Dolphins, at “The Mucky Duck” for dinner.
2h 17m
San Carlos Bay Light 1 to Captiva, United States
Duncan Harding, Lupe Benavent & 1 other
30 August 2024 at 13:45
Motor Sailed most of the way until we hit a 35kt squall for 30 mins. Cleared and we continued to our anchorage for the evening.
2h 20m
Gulf Harbor Yacht Club to Bunche Beach, United States
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
12 July 2024 at 09:24
6kt motor cruise all the way home in flat calm conditions. V v hot ! 🥵 Arriving early to the fuel dock meant we beat usual Friday refueling frenzy back at the marina, so we could then hang out on anchor for a very relaxing 3 hours before returning Nami to the marina for the final time ! 😢
4h 17m
Kamári to Kos, Greece
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
11 July 2024 at 09:30
Manual Entry
Flat calm start to the day was soon overtaken by a steady 8kt breeze for a reach down to Kardamena for lunch, after which the wind shifted to a NW stiff 15-20kt breeze for the sail westwards into the bay of Kamari and our anchor for the evening.
6h 30m
Páloi to Kamári, Greece
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
10 July 2024 at 07:37
Motored all the way in zero wind to Nisyros which is stinking hot ! All well with Nami as we approach our final 2 days on board. Managed to watch a couple of movies while underway.
5h 12m
Pedi to Páloi, Greece
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
9 July 2024 at 09:47
Near windless motor-sail around the island of Simi to Pedi harbour
1h 53m
Panormítis to Pedi, Greece
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
8 July 2024 at 12:25
With a calm start to the morning, we hung out in the bay on anchor for breakfast and swim until 12pm when the Meltemi was forecast to arrive - which it did for a great 3+ hr reach across the bay towards Simi, dropping a single reef around halfway when we hit 25kts. The reef cost us around 1.5kts but … seeing as there is just the 2 of us “happy wife, happy life”- so we’re all good 😃
3h 50m
Livádia to Panormítis, Greece
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
7 July 2024 at 09:32
A long passage with a sporty 25kt wind to start through until the lee of Kos when it dropped to 5kts!! Motor sailed for around 2 hours after which the wind picked up once we cleared the Turkish headland for a nice 15/20kt reach all the way into the harbor. Moored / rafted alongside / stern too in a v tight harbor. Hot as hell in Tilos - wind like a hairdryer !
6h 13m
Kos to Livádia, Greece
Duncan Harding & Heather Harding
6 July 2024 at 10:27
20-25kts N/NW made for a great Genoa reach all the way back to Kos
3h 30m
Kálymnos to Kos, Greece