Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson


Cruising slowly

The travels of Naxos



Total Distance



Time at Sea

The RYA qualification image


The RYA qualification image

GMDSS Short Range Certificate

The RYA qualification image

Shorebased Coastal Skipper & YM Offshore

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

Yesterday at 11:59

Island Anchorage to Porto Montenegro

The anchor had great holding but the nearby cat had to move as my anchor was underneath them. gentle motor to the marina. the guy came in a dinghy but wasn't needed. I managed to back the boat in just fine. there was no wind at all really. the real excitement was that the port slime line was somehow caught on something and needed to marineros a dinghy to free it. the worry is that it may have damaged the prop or prop shaft so I will need to keep a close eye on things


Island Anchorage to Porto Montenegro



1h 25m

Marići to Tivat, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

Saturday at 14:04

Kotor Marina to Uvala Velika

Turn the engine off about 100 yards from the marina and initially had gusty winds behind up to about 25 knots true. I only had the Genoa up.The wind became more flukey and less strong until in no wind alley I was gybing every few moments. I had to turn the engine on to get through the channel where the cruise ships go - up to about 25 knots apparent directly in my face - and then I had to leave it on when I emerged frommthe channel as despite having enough wind, it was still fairly straight and there was a chop on the starboard beam which would have created lots and lots of leeway without the main up. I only had about three miles to go so kept motoring. The bay is smaller than I expected and there was a fishing boat on a buoy. also an empty buoy in the middle of the bay. I dropped the anchor in about 11-12m and it gripped first time.


Kotor Marina to Uvala Velika



3h 30m

Kotor to Marići, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

8 September 2024 at 12:48

Morinj Back To Kotor Marina

No much wind and then no wind so motored the entire way. good to give the engine a couple of hours anyway probably. Came quite close to MSC Lirica. Got the boat into a berth again with lots of to-ing and fro-ing and a light crosswind so that is good


Morinj Back To Kotor Marina



2h 14m

Lipci to Kotor, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

1 September 2024 at 12:10

Kotor to Morinjski Zaliv

Wasn't quite sure where I was going to go. I decided before I left the marina that the anchorage at Kotor, lovely as it is, was too crowded so I just headed off with a plan A, which I went with, and a plan B - the islands in the next section of the bay. lovely surprise when I left the marina..a. it if wind. I sailed almost all the way under the genny..just the usual no wind alley upsetting the serene progress. anchored the first time but ended up too close to a cat, mainly because of the way the boat was backing up - I hadn't let her weather cock before reversing. second time got the anchor down but when I gave it the second higher set if revs I felt the anchor jump over a rock or something and then bite. I left the revs on but she didn't move. lovely spot. 12m but close in so definitely easy to get ashore


Kotor to Morinjski Zaliv



2h 54m

Muo to Lipci, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

29 August 2024 at 14:50

Marina Prancj to Kotor Marina

massive downpour during lunch when I was enjoying a. coke and Caesar salad meant the boat was full of water. I waited for the weather to pick up and then gently motorway down. reverses into the berth for the first time without help in the old girl!!!


Marina Prancj to Kotor Marina




Tomići to Kotor, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

26 August 2024 at 11:39

Herceg Novi to Marina Prancj

Had coffee ashore and then left around 11:30am. suspected due to the forecast there would be no wind at all but as it turned out had a very good sail almost all of the way..Struggled to get the main to gybe when dead downwind but moved the traveller up and that gave the genny some cleaner air. Very busy in some of the channels with ferries and whatnot. Ran out of wind about 3 or 4 miles out but waited around for a bit of wind and got to about a mile and a half away before I had to turn the engine on as there was literally no wind at all - 0.0 knots. Currently on the outside of the pontoon which I don't likem the wash from speed boats going to and from Kotor is significant


Herceg Novi to Marina Prancj



6h 14m

Herceg Novi to Tomići, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

22 August 2024 at 11:03

Begova to Herceg Novi

there was a fresh wind in Bergiva so I left a little early. I had 19 knots if breeze in the bay so out a reef in the main and reran the genny sheets to make the sail flatter. I racked out if the bay but as time was going in, as forecast the wind began to veer and die. I motored a bit then sailed into Kotor Bay although made very little progress to begin with due presumably to disturbed water coming in and or going out or whatever. the speed picked up and winds built to about 17 from the west so great sailing. the leech wasn't right regardless of the position of the car or the sheeting angle. I got the genny in by going on a broad wasn't bushing otherwise and sailing under main only towards the marina while I did fenders and ropes. I turned the engine on and got the dinghy in the foredeck. coming into the marina was difficult as there were no obvious marineros and I was going to have to reverse in let's say 16-20 knots across me. I eventually got in by springing off the stern while simultaneously yanking on the slime line. the marina is very exposed to the west. the waves are what you might expect at anchor somewhere..presumably the wind will die down at some point.


Begova to Herceg Novi



5h 45m

Bigovo to Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

21 August 2024 at 08:11

Bar To Lustica Bay

went to the fuel dock and put in about 58 litres, a little less than I was expecting. motored most of the distance but as soon as I had 5 knots or so on the beam and I could see boats ahead of me sailing, I got the genny out, switched the engine off and sailed in Lustica Bay. I found a good anchor spot in sand and sheltered from the wind and swell but the anchor wouldn't turn on. I sailed over to Begova under Genny only at 4 knots! with only about 9 knots on the beam and picked up a buoy.ibhave power to the solenoid but no power to the motor. it may be a dodgy fuse but it's difficult to fiddle with in the swell. I shall wait until the morning, or at least, that is the plan


Bar To Lustica Bay



7h 1m

Topolica to Bigovo, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

16 August 2024 at 10:00

Shengzin to Bar

No wind and flat sea when I left. Swell started to build up around the Montenegrin border - the sea shoals there. some wind picked up but straight on the nose..hand the mainsail up and tried to fly the genny a couple of times but the angle was too tight. Significant swell from Ulcinj and then when I turned the corner towards Bar. probably 2.5m swell but not breaking. Eventually the wind came round to the beam but at only 6 knots insufficient drive the boat through the swell. Too much swell to tie up the mainsail properly or get fenders and ropes ready but once I was behind the main breakwater everything calmed


Shengzin to Bar



7h 0m

Shëngjin, Albania to Topolica, Montenegro

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson

15 August 2024 at 09:00


Durres To Shengzin



9h 0m

Durrës to Shëngjin, Albania