Owen Symington

Owen Symington



Cruiser/Sailor on a Beneteau 423



Total Distance



Time at Sea

None added yet
Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

22 August 2024 at 10:42

Canso to Webb’s Cove

First day sailing on the open Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Beautiful warm day, winds 6-12Kts but right on the nose, swells not too big and small wind waves, a little rolly. Forgot to start tracking until we were out on the ocean. Webb’s Cove is a nicely protected anchorage, pretty spot. Just us and SV Second Star here.


Canso to Webb’s Cove



6h 6m

Andrew Passage to Goldboro, Canada

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

22 August 2024 at 09:30

Manual Entry

First part of our day - Approximately 1 hour, from 9:30AM to 10:40AM, this part of the trip was winding through the channel between islands before we got out into the Atlantic. See Canso to Webb’s Cove same day same trip



1h 0m

Canso to Gannet Shoal, Canada

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

21 August 2024 at 08:44

Canso Marina

The day started out very smoothly with very calm conditions for transiting the Canso canal and lock. Stopped just after the lock at Hawkesbury marina to top up on fuel before our trip down the coast to Halifax. Nice calm conditions but wind not a great angle for sailing across the bay to Canso. Unfortunately the day didn’t end so well but no harm done…just embarrassing to have been the entertainment for the town. We ran aground just near the entrance to the marina, it was one hour before low tide. We got stuck in the mud but were proceeding very slowly so no damage. We waited for three hours for the tide to float us again. Several people came by to check on us but we all agreed just waiting for the tide to come up was the best option. Three guys in a pontoon boat came back when we were just about afloat again to help make sure the wind didn’t push us further into the shallow water. Very friendly people. Got to the dock around 6:30. Nice very small marina, friendly management.


Canso Marina



6h 8m

Havre Boucher to Canso, Canada

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

20 August 2024 at 08:49

Pictou Island to Havre Boucher

Great sailing today! Finally a day where we sailed the entire way. Broad reach until we came around Cape George then close hauled across St. George’s Bay to the anchorage. We were making about 7 kts a good part of the way across the bay with reefed Genoa and main sail. Gusts in the 20s but mostly 15-20 knots wind.


Pictou Island to Havre Boucher



8h 35m

West End to Havre Boucher, Canada

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

19 August 2024 at 08:38

Charlottetown to Pictou Island

A few showers, flat seas and light wind. Returned to lovely Pictou Island. Starting to make our way slowly toward Halifax again once the seas on the Atlantic settle down as Ernesto passes off shore Nova Scotia today. When we arrived here a week ago I said I wished I could spend more time here. Little did I know that because of Hurricane Ernesto I would visit Pictou Island three times this week!


Charlottetown to Pictou Island



5h 40m

Charlottetown to West End, Canada

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

15 August 2024 at 08:42

Pictou Island to Charlottetown Yacht Club

No wind flat seas all day. Arrived at Charlottetown YC with Second Star. Very nice restaurant and bar here at the YC and also lots of tourist shops on the wharf nearby. Docks are quite rocky from wake of boats in the harbour. Latest on Ernesto is much better for Nova Scotia, with models showing it staying offshore. As of Friday morning forecasts for Charlottetown are good. Hurricane Ernesto is expected to move off shore from Nova Scotia but headed for south shore of Newfoundland Monday night. We will stay here until Tuesday then start making our way toward Halifax again.


Pictou Island to Charlottetown Yacht Club



6h 34m

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

14 August 2024 at 09:23

Havre Boucher back to Pictou Island

Woke up in the morning to weather reports that tropical storm Ernesto was expected to hit the east coast of Nova Scotia as a hurricane by Saturday. Our plan had been to go through the Canso canal to the east coast, heading for Halifax by Saturday. We decided to head back west toward PEI to get as much distance between us and the storm before the weekend. We had 10-15kts NE and choppy seas as we crossed St. George’s Bay and all the way to Pictou Island. It was a rock n roll day until we got on the south shore of the island. The winds dropped overnight. The small wharf was very calm. Bought some wine from the local winery and met Wendy who runs the store at Wooden Tents.


Havre Boucher back to Pictou Island



6h 54m

La Batture to West End, Canada

Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

13 August 2024 at 06:46

Pictou Island to Havre Boucher

Downwind sail in bright sunshine this morning turned overcast and variable winds later. Very comfortable seas. Beautiful coast of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island. Anchored in middle of large bay. Small town and basin/harbour here with oyster farm on east side of the bay. Close to the Canso canal.


Pictou Island to Havre Boucher



7h 43m

West End to Havre Boucher, Canada

Sherry Pickett

Sherry Pickett - Had drinks aboard Second Star in the evening with Susan & David and planned to go through the Canso canal & lock the next day. Booked slips at Canso marina to get provisions.


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Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

12 August 2024 at 06:25

Summerside to Pictou Island

A beautiful day of sailing on the Northumberland Strait. We had variable winds but sailed on a beam reach for a good part of the day. Sailed under the Confederation Bridge this morning then it was a straight course to Pictou Island from there. Sunny hot and calm seas. Very small harbour, remote and beautiful here. I wish we were staying longer! There is no electricity on the island but there are year round residents and cottages. Only accessible by boat or plane.


Summerside to Pictou Island



11h 0m

Summerside to West End, Canada

Sherry Pickett

Sherry Pickett - SV Second Star, Susan & David were anchored in Pictou (mainland) which we saw on AIS. Owen initially met them in Quebec City marina then we met again at Todoussac and again in Shediac. We made plans to meet them at the Havre Boucher anchorage and buddy boat to Halifax, planning to get there before heavy weather coming on the weekend. Armdale YC looks well protected.


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Owen Symington
Sherry Pickett

Owen Symington & Sherry Pickett

4 August 2024 at 09:29

Overnight to Shediac (Pointe-du-Chêne Yacht Club)

Flat seas mostly, light winds. Quiet stretch of the trip with very few other boats so good that way for overnight. Thunderstorms at midnight with lots of lightning and heavy rain. Wind gusts during the storms was max 20kts. Tried doing short 2 hour shifts but neither of us slept much especially with the thunderstorms. Arrived in Shediac in overcast skies which cleared but rain on and off this afternoon. Nice marina on the wharf with restaurants and shops. Walking/bike path into town. Marina has nice clubhouse with free laundry.


Overnight to Shediac (Pointe-du-Chêne Yacht Club)



22h 58m

Perce to Pointe-du-Chêne, Canada

James Roberts

James Roberts - Well done...hope the overnight went well. Enjoy the sights, food, beverages and the fantastic people of Shediac


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