Oliver Sunny

Oliver Sunny






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Oliver Sunny
Chris Jacobs

Oliver Sunny , Chris Jacobs & 5 others

21 January 2024 at 09:02

Round Barbados 2024

We did it! Racing on Sao Jorge from Sail Racing Academy, under skipper Andy! Strong winds, typically 20kts with some stronger squalls. Big seas, especially on the east coast. Ironically the worst weather on the west coast, so we didn’t get our turquoise paradise section, it was like sailing the east coast twice. Highlight was seeing our house close up, looking very regal on top of its cliff ❤️ 🏰


Round Barbados 2024



8h 26m

Garrison, Barbados

Angelica Anderson

Angelica Anderson - Well done!! Love the round the island regatta! Nice way to see my home in a different way :)


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Oliver Sunny

Oliver Sunny , Tracy & 1 other

7 January 2024 at 09:05




5h 5m

Le Marin to Saint-Pierre, Martinique

Oliver Sunny

Oliver Sunny , Becca & 4 others

27 August 2023 at 11:03

Wasps love bbqs too 🐝

I’m lying in the hammock writing my daily log, with a rum and coke, looking at a sky full of stars. What a difference a day makes in the world of sailing! We set off quite late, with a slow start and breakfast on the pontoon. Eventually set off around 10, after saying our farewells to Barry who was off in Corfu direction (still amazed by this encounter!) A few things were missing from our provisions, so we dropped Becca off in Vathy with a Beruit-Berthing to go to the shops (this is term coined from us picking up @cesar from Cala Figuera by reversing to the pontoon to drop off / pick up a crew member without ever stopping / using lines). We then headed for Poros, which involved some slow-medium-slow-medium-slow down wind sailing and a tiny bit of medium-very slow upwind sailing. Lots of fun taking the sails up and down! Anchoring in Poros wasn’t ideal. We tried along the northern edge, but couldn’t get a good holding 🍀 ☘️ 😬. Conscious that nobody had been in the sea yet, despite arriving 24hrs ago, we anchored off the beach - which was actually quite nice. It wasn’t the long line remote bay experience though, so we moved to the south west corner to Scorpion Bay and anchored in 15m water drifting back right across the bay and putting lines ashore, courtesy of Becca on the paddleboard and Paul on the anchor 💪. A number of boats came and went trying to anchor near us, eventually two smaller French boats settled for the night. Once all the day trippers left, it was just 3 yachts in quite a large bay. Amazing luck at this time of year! Then we started the BBQ… 😬 A great BBQ spread, but this opinion was also shared by Greece’s wasp population 🐝 I’ve experienced bad wasps onboard before, but this was a new extreme. It got to the point where you don’t even care anymore, I was cooking with wasps on me. We ate in separate corners of the boat, pretending to enjoy our luxury holiday, before spraying the boat down and escaping on Kevin to the beach. By the time we came back, the boat had been deserted. Perfect time for moon and star gazing. Now time for a rum and to write my log 🖊️


Wasps love bbqs too 🐝



3h 26m

Vathí to Mikrós Gialós, Greece


Liam - I thought that the two wasps flying around me yesterday were bad 😆 Very jealous of that BBQ you’ve got though, even with the wasps 🤩


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