


Neustart In Holstein



Total Distance



Time at Sea

None added yet

Ingo & Leigh

23 July 2024 at 08:30

2024 Family Summer Sail: Germany & Denmark, Part 1

Tuesday, August 6, 2024: After a shorter week long sail into the old Hanseatic town of Lübeck, we began our longer family summer passage today, 2 weeks later than planned. Sometimes you just have to do what needs to be done before going out to sea and this was one of those times. Here is today's update. Starting: Neustadt in Ostholstein / 0845 / 5-8 knots from the SE / Increasing wind speed to 17 knots from the E.SE / Motorsailed with the main for 2.5 hours / Sailing with Main and Genoa averaging 6.2 knots the rest of the time. Ending: Initially planned to anchor just past the bridge in Fehmarn, but decided to continue on due to chop and swell. Ended the day at Yachtmarina Heiligenhafen, 1645 / Docked in 15-18 knots, wind straight off the dock / Spring lines too short, causing pause and work in the maneuver, resolved with a little time and new line placement. Observations underway: Massive amounts of blue algae, so much that we checked the engine strainer basket a few times while underway. It was like sailing through egg drop soup. Also saw a cool tall ship sailing out of Grömitz. Challenges: Starting the day with positivity and kindness was a total flop. We argued about silly stuff, likely due to a sleepless night last night, general transitions, and serious overcaffeinating. In the end, it's all good. But it took a minute to get settled into "boatlife" mindset. And now, we are ending today with a nice sunset in Heiligenhafen. 🙌⛵️🌀 We are exhausted from sun, wind, and waves... the absolute best guarantee for a solid night of sleep. That, and earplugs (a requirement of good sleep, in my book.) 😘🫶⛵️🌀❤️ ------ Friday, August 9, 2024: We had two lovely days and nights, walking along the promenade and enjoying the beach in Heiligenhafen, before making an afternoon/evening/night sail into the Kiel Fjord. Coming into the Fjord at sundown may become one of my all time favorite memories. The air became cool and crisp. We put on our long pants and sweatshirts, reminding us that summer days are limited and fall will soon return. Ingo went below and made soup for everyone to enjoy. As the sun dipped below the horizon, twinkling lights on red and green channel buoys led us into our harbor. A large cruise ship with excited passengers was leaving port just before our final approach. It was so calm, peaceful, and serene after a long, choppy journey tacking back and forth across the swells for hours, as we searched for the closest possible reach to wind. Thankfully, we were able to sleep in this morning, waking to the sound of light rain pitter pattering on our deck. We have a few nights in Kiel, but I can already tell you that this won't be my last tour of the Kieler Fjord. It is magical. ----- Sunday, August 11, 2024 We left Kiel this morning after a breakfast picnic and motored about half an hour or so to the sea based gas station in Strande. Fueling a yacht is quite different than pulling into an ExxonMobil or BP. There was a short wait, so we made small harbor loops, backwards and forwards, leaving tiny ripples in the water behind us. Finally, it was our turn. As we approached alongside, the boys noticed a sign for ice cream. Within minutes, they had shoes on and were in the tiny filling station picking out a treasure. By noon, both sails were hoisted. We made 5-6 knots, heading north/northwest along the coast between Kiel Fjord and the river Schlei. Our new birthday toy, the Orca Core navigation system, guided the way beautifully, giving us clear directions regarding the most efficient course, with all elements being factored into the equation. Of course, I'm still attached to paper charts and Navionics, but the Orca is a great tool thus far. By 19:30, we were docked in Kappeln. We jumped off the boat the very minute all lines were secured. We were d.e.t.e.r.m.i.n.e.d to make it in time for a nice waterfront meal... one not prepared in the galley. Lines and clean up could happen later. At that moment, we were all thinking of lasagna, spaghetti, and salami pizza. It was such a beautiful day. We are learning and growing constantly. 💗


2024 Family Summer Sail: Germany & Denmark, Part 1



22 days 13 hours

Neustadt in Holstein, Germany to Faaborg, Denmark