Delaney Nickerson

Delaney Nickerson


Halifax Harbour



Total Distance



Time at Sea

None added yet
15th & Final Sailing Trip of 2024 - Tour of the Inlet

Today Delaney and I toured the Petpeswick inlet. The wind was relatively light and it was from a southerly direction as normal. It was a fun sail but the boat was not responding very well and I suspect it was, again, due to a build up of animal life on the hull, as was the case on Sept. 30th, which was, incidentally, the last time I was out. I will see how much sea life has collected on the hull since I last cleaned it off when I take her out of the water. The conditions in October have been terrible with very high winds so we were lucky to get out at all. The deadline for outhaul is October 26th this year. Tuesday is the only good day left for out hauling so that is when I’ll be doing it.

15th & Final Sailing Trip of 2024 - Tour of the Inlet



4h 42m

Musquodoboit Harbour, Canada

Delaney Nickerson

Delaney Nickerson - Our tour looks like a child’s scribble. But, don’t be fooled fellow sailors it was lots of fun.


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Delaney Nickerson
Peter J MacWilliam

Delaney Nickerson & Peter J MacWilliam

18 September 2024 at 11:55

13th Voyage - Motored to Mouth of Inlet

Took Delaney for a sail out to the mouth of the inlet. It was a very successful sail. We did run aground once near the government wharf. You need to keep to the left of the green channel marker at that spot or you will run aground on the sandy shoal. It was no problem to get off the shoal and back on track. Once we arrived at the spot parallel to Martinique beach we sailed for a while. There were great big swells. It was exhilarating. The wind seemed a bit light, though and control of the boat was somewhat compromised by the swell and low winds (I think).

13th Voyage - Motored to Mouth of Inlet



4h 27m

Musquodoboit Harbour, Canada