Paper and water don't mix: Why we need to leave paper log books in the past!
Apr 26, 2023 • Written by Chris Jacobs

We all love looking back on our previous voyages, where sometimes even that one brief scrawled line in your logbook can be a delightful reminder of a favourite past adventure. With a traditional paper logbook, there is no backup. If lost or destroyed, all your information and precious memories are gone forever.
There could be another sting coming too, just like with your car - national bodies, coastguards and insurers are looking to make it mandatory for those selling boats to include copies of maintenance and voyage logs. This is intended help ensure vessels are safe and seaworthy and that the owners can be identified and contacted in the case of loss, abandonment or theft. This would elevate the loss of your logbook from a bit annoying to a nightmare!
Our app offers a complete and easy electronic logbook solution for recording everything and anything happening onboard. You can add photos, boat details and even share your voyage with the rest of the crew with just a few taps. So isn't it time you binned the old books and started logging your sailing with SailTies!
A digital log can be used as a legally binding and official document in most jurisdictions so long as it’s unedited but always check with your national authority if you have concerns.