Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA



Solo sailor, Sadler 26, back from.the Med adventure, seeking new challenges



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Time at Sea

None added yet
Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

17 September 2024 at 04:03

Hope springs eternal!

A beautifully still night at anchor in Hope Cove tucked behind Bolt tail. Up at 0300 and weighed anchor by 4 . Reefed main and Genny and flo did the rest. This seafeather handled wind against tide with a force 5 round Start Point. wind mainly northeast which allowed me to work my way northeast in long tacks. Up the Exe 2 hrs after low water and back to the mooring. A fine last sail of the season. What is that grey box in the picture you may ask? Well basically I couldn't find my hearing aud having put it somewhere safe. turned all the lockers out, even rang Falmouth marina to check the life jacket locker I'd used on Sunday ! Yep ,after the third, proper look in my rucksack, there she was!! 😀


Hope springs eternal!



11h 58m

Inner Hope to Lympstone, United Kingdom

Edgar Pullicino

Edgar Pullicino - Phew!


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Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

16 September 2024 at 07:51

Hope for a settled night

Unfortunately the threat of strengthening easterly winds later on in the week meant I had to start heading back while I could. I left a grey Falmouth anchorage just as Viking Sky was arriving. Light winds in the early part of the trip meant motoring but soon there was enough wind albeit not quite from the right direction, to allow some sailing past Plymouth and across Bigbury bay. I tucked in to Hope Cove as far inshore as I dared , trying not to snag any of the moorings! Predawn departure tomorrow in order to get to Start pt by slack water.


Hope for a settled night



12h 26m

Falmouth to Inner Hope, United Kingdom

Derek Hathaway

Derek Hathaway - Bravo mon pote!


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Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

14 September 2024 at 09:24

Long beat to Falmouth

A glorious morning at Cawsand and a steady 10-12 knots of SSW wind allowed me to sail from Rame Head to the Fal entirely using Flo the Seafeather. I love night time entry into port , identifying the various lights and marks. The anchorage off Falmouth town is always slightly challenging , finding a spot with enough swinging room was a bonus ! Nite nite!


Long beat to Falmouth



12h 29m

Cawsand to Falmouth, United Kingdom

Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

13 September 2024 at 08:54

A gentle beat to Cawsand bay

A beautiful morning in Salcombe, after a chilly night... Topped up water at the short stay pontoon and headed off to catch the remainder of the west going tide. Very little wind as we set off but once I reached Bolt tail there was enough wind to set Flo up and enjoy the day. Long beat into bigbury bay and then close hauled to Cawsand.


A gentle beat to Cawsand bay



7h 45m

Salcombe to Cawsand, United Kingdom

Derek Hathaway

Derek Hathaway - For a while I thought you were heading straight for Falmouth! You made good use of what must have been just a little more wind further west.


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Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

12 September 2024 at 11:11

A squally passage to Salcombe

Northwest 4 when I left the Exe and quickly hooked up Flo the seafeather. Sudden dark clouds and a squall with a 60 degree wind shift made for interesting times. several of these on passage but clear visibility in between and having taken the inshore route round Start point it was not long before entering Salcombe.


A squally passage to Salcombe



8h 49m

Lympstone to Salcombe, United Kingdom

Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

3 September 2024 at 08:53

Nice day for a sail

I needed to be on the water! Thankfully the northwest wind gave a flat sea and a good sail off to Babbacombe bay ,dropping the hook for an hour before sailing back in glorious sunshine and 14 kts of wind.


Nice day for a sail



8h 7m

Lympstone, United Kingdom

Derek Hathaway

Derek Hathaway - Near perfect conditions!


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Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

18 August 2024 at 07:17

Get home before the wind!

Well....that was fun! I left Ruan pontoon on the Fal at 0700. Set my main and Genoa in Carrick Roads, deployed the Sea Feather and rigged a preventer as I was expecting following seas and a broad reach. I was able to sail up to the Start and motorsailed the remainder, arriving at the Exe safewatermark at 0600, to catch the last of the flood up the estuary. One highlight on this long passage was to see shoals of feeding tuna, some leaping clear of the water. Amazing.


Get home before the wind!



23h 39m

Coombe to Lympstone, United Kingdom

Andrew Doak

Andrew Doak - That was a marathon voyage Peter, well done!


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Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

16 August 2024 at 11:45

Whales Ahoy!

A glorious sail from Bryher, via Annet ( no puffins unfortunately), then to my amazement I spot two plumes of spray from blowholes! Two Minke whales, close enough to make out their distinctive shape and small dorsal fin..Don't expect photos, tho I do have some video that I will edit and upload later. Sailed through the night, dodging the ships close to the Lizard and then motored up the Fal to join the Westcountry Sadler rally.


Whales Ahoy!



17h 45m

Bryher to Coombe, United Kingdom

Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

14 August 2024 at 02:42

A sunny sail to Bryher

It was interesting departing Falmouth at 0300, under sail with a light following wind down to the manacles, which then freshened at the Lizard. I was able to almost sail my planned course across amounts bay, up to Wolf rock and through the TSS but by then the lively north West wind gave way to a west on the nose so I motorsailed the final 15 miles, arriving on a rising tide through St mary road and across Tresco flats, with some trepidation as there is only 1.5 metres tidal rise today . Anchored in lovely sand in Green Bay , Bryher.


A sunny sail to Bryher



19h 0m

Falmouth to Bryher, United Kingdom

Edgar Pullicino

Edgar Pullicino - Well done Pete, As always accurately planned , with a bit of mental maths on the way , I am sure


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Peter Schranz on TELA

Peter Schranz on TELA

12 August 2024 at 07:43

Close reach to Falmouth

A cloudy gloomy departure from Fowey but with a lovely westerly force 4, took me all the way to St Anthony's Head . Looks like I've arrived at regatta week but thankfully found a safe spot to anchor. Here for two nights .


Close reach to Falmouth



6h 42m

Fowey to Falmouth, United Kingdom